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The Ultimate Motto For Living A Balanced Life

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What Does It Mean?

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To live to the Max is to be the best that you can be in every moment of everyday, to put your best foot forward in every situation that you find yourself.

It is to explore everything one encounters with a curiosity that results in profound insight and an urge to see more.

It is to observe one’s surroundings closely and in doing so learn about one’s world and one’s place in it.

It is to capture the feelings of a given moment, reflect on it often, and come out enlightened from each and every reflection.

It is to dream big and to chase those dreams with all of one’s might.

It is to live for the journey up until the goal, not the goal itself.

It is to think about all things from all perspectives and angles and to believe in a purpose higher than the tangible world can give.

It is to speak one's thoughts so that all can hear and the goodness of those thoughts can be passed on.

It is to grow and develop constantly throughout one’s life.

It is to swing back and forth to dodge the obstacles, overcome the challenges, and conquer the wrath of rigidity.

It is to enjoy life and always look on its bright side.

It is to care for all that exists and maintain the “salt of the Earth.”

It is to forgive yourself for mistakes and then try harder to succeed in the future.

Finally, it is to be the maximum amount of you that you can possibly be.

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About This Site?

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This is my website about me. However I feel as though a website about myself would be more valuable if it focused on something that everyone can identify with, rather than just myself. That is why I have decided to place this site's focus not on myself, but instead on what I stand for. This greater meaning is what I hope the viewers of my site will take away. To help accomplish that, I have made 12 tabs on the site, each with a different way of achieving this greater meaning. I also include examples of how I am achieving this greater meaning with the hopes that it will help the viewers better understand the idea and perhaps inspire them as well. Although I can never be sure, it is very likely that this website will help someone, even if that someone is myself.

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All of the advice presented on this site is of personal opinion and should be treated as such. All photos on the site are mine unless noted otherwise on a given tab. Please do not unlawfully take and use my photos. They are only here for the enjoyment and education that they serve. I reserve the right to edit these disclaimers and rules at any time.

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